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Satu Yrjänen appointed as new Managing Director of TNS Gallup in Finland

TNS gladly announces the appointment of Satu Yrjänen as our new Finnish MD. Satu joins TNS from the 1st of June this year. Satu has worked as CEO in SEK Loyal for 4 years. During this time she has built a strong customer relationship marketing business by working intensely on corporate customership, customer experience, concepts and strategies together with clients, her team and different stakeholders in various industries.

Satu has a solid background from working many years within Microsoft and brings with her both a true knowledge of the importance of new techniques and how to best apply these as a good understanding for working within an international company and how best to utilize this. Her understanding for a digital and constantly connected world will be one important parameter going forward when we are moving into the new environment.

To run this transformation process within TNS and to launch our new offers to the market we are happy to bring Satu Yrjänen as our new MD on board.

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