Authentic responses – How are you connected to the world around you
Grabbing people’s attention with trustworthy impressions is your first step towards durable communication. Understanding how you are perceived in the sensory and digital world requires a holistic, big picture view. We validate your efforts, analyze every angle – sensorial and digital – and provide you with advice.
Clear and actionable communication starts with the senses; they position everything around them. To get your positioning in sync with how you are being positioned in people’s perception requires clear and consistent expressions across all the sensory channels in both the analogue and digital world you operate in.
What we offer: All communication is multifaceted; at Sensemiotics we do not believe in one-dimensional approaches. For that reason, we bring best-practices from different fields together in every project to triangulate issues and formulate recommendations. Using various skill sets and multi-disciplinary experts we can optimize every form of communication.
Let’s connect!
Our team
Sensemiotics is a team of specialists developing strategies and insights for brands and organisations. We offer a holistic perspective on the market’s new communication needs through research, insight and consultancy, based on semiotic, sensorial and digital strategy. We guide clients within all sectors, from FMCG, packaging, pharmaceutical industry, automotive, tools, fashion, finances and insurances, travel, telecom, universities, logistics, unions and broadcasting to government and parliament.

Karin Sandelin
Affärsområdesansvarig, Sensemiotics
Jag har gjort semiotiska analyser på Kantar Sifo i +20 år, och håller regelbundet föreläsningar och workshops om visuell kommunikation i varumärkesbyggande frågor. Min plattform är multimediepedagogik, design management och konstvetenskap.

Martin Ljungdahl Eriksson
Sonic Strategist
Jag är specialiserad på akustisk design, audiell varumärkesutveckling och strategier för röst och musikanvändning. Som doktorand i informatik forskar jag om att använda ljud som individanpassade designelement för att påverka upplevelser och beteenden.
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Our latest articles about semiotics:
Chan(n)el nr°5 for Androids
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