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Living the values - or what does it take to build a company "on brand"? den 6 september 2010

The brand is what you show to the world, whether to a customer or to a candidate. Values and culture are how you treat each other internally. They must sync up or there will be a disconnection.

From TNS SIFO's experience in working with the successful value driven companies we can conclude the following initial conditions for creating a company on brand: 

  • Company internal and brand values are synchronised. Company brand values are translated into managers' and employees' behaviours
  • Employees and other stakeholders understand the brand & company values and believe in them 
  • Employees are working in the way that customers experience brand promise and brand values on the daily basis 

Many companies are struggling with the question "What should be done in order to enable employees to live the values?" and "How to manage it?"


TNS SIFO has developed a comprehensive program which gives a possibility to engage employees in developing the values based on behaviours and aligning the organisation according to the values.

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