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Svenska dagspressmätningar i världstopp

Vi gratulerar stolt Peter Callius och Anders Lithner, SIFO Research International, som mottog det mycket prestigefyllda priset "Best paper Award" på WRRS (Worldwide Readership Research Symposia) för sitt paper om att mäta den svenska dagspressmarknaden.

Världens samlade printmediaundersökare samlades i Wien 21-24 oktober för det fjortonde Worldvide Readership Research Symposia. 230 delegater från knappt 40 länder samlades för att ta del av den senaste utvecklingen inom print mediamätningar. Totalt hölls 58 föredragningar och boken med de samlade kunskaperna omfattar rejäla 600 sidor. Alla paper från 1981 till 2005 finns att läsa gratis på

I "Daily Reach and beyond" beskriver Peter Callius och Anders Lithner det komplexa system av undersökningslösningar som SIFO Research International genomför för att mäta den svenska dagspressen. 

Detta paper tilldelades det mycket prestigefulla priset "Best paper award". Med andra ord det samlade omdömet från världens mediaundersökare är att det svenska systemet av printmätningar är i absolut världsklass. 

Mediabloggaren Mediah beskriver papret på följande sätt: 

"Peter Callius and Anders Lithner have won the prestigious "Best Paper Award" at the Worldwide Readership Research Symposium in Vienna with their paper: "Daily Reach and Beyond". 

The summary of the paper provide by the authors says: 

"The Swedish newspaper industry is able to show their value to the advertising market by using a intricate web of surveys - all intertwined and designed to provide advertisers the best value and by doing this strengthening the medium itself. 

1. The TGI/NRS provides the market with full multimedia planning possibilities (including the newspapers own internet edition) on detailed target group data and for newspapers on a day type level. 

2. The MediaPuls 2.0 survey which is callibrated to the NRS gives the market a continuous stream of new readership data every day - it also adds the flavor of day type data into the media mix stew 

3. The receipt on delivered contacts (by using circulation as stabilization factor or without if there are no measurable circulation data) provides the media with further accountability 

4. The campaign measurement surveys which are connected to the MediaPuls 2.0 survey give the industry further information on how campaign or individual ads worked.

When summarized into 5 bullet points it is important to stress the fact that this is not a description of isolated surveys but a story of a system of interconnected and enriching one another. 

We strongly believe it can be beneficial to think in terms of planning vs; evaluation, but even though we might use different surveys to make the respective practice possible, there is only room for one currency, or the market will be left in chaos. We also strongly believe in a holistic approach and that the research solution presented in this paper, by acting on these beliefs, helps giving a good understanding of the complex market place of Swedish newspapers." 

Congratulations to Peter and Anders and also to Peter Masson, who was deeply involved in the creation of the SESAME planning software." 

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